ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands

MARCH 12–14

Meet us at LogiChem - The World’s Leading Chemical Supply Chain Event

Embarking on a quest to revolutionize your chemical supply chain? Look no further! LogiChem and Shippeo – the world's most recommended Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platform – are your gateway to revolutionizing your chemical supply chain

LogiChem brings together industry leaders, experts, and professionals from the chemical logistics, transportation, and supply chain management sector. Attendees can expect insights into the latest technologies, best practices, and strategies driving efficiency and sustainability in chemical supply chains.

Drop by our booth at LogiChem 2024 - the premier conference focused on the chemical industry's supply chain and logistics - is therefore a must for those seeking to explore innovative visibility solutions tailored for the intricacies of the chemical industry.

We look forward to meeting you. Make sure to schedule your appointment with our Supply Chain Visibility experts via the contact form. 

  March 12 - 14, 2024
   Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre, Beursplein 37, Meent 110, 3011 AA Rotterdam
   Booth #8

Find out more about the event and the agenda  LogiChem 2024

This event has passed. Schedule an appointment with our supply chain experts now.