Sustainable Supply chains:

a shift from due diligence to positive business impact

April 13, 2023

Supply chain


In 2023, supply chain decarbonization has become a primary  concern. 
Despite the growing awareness of environmental issues, for many, building a sustainable supply chain presents many obstacles: the high cost of implementation, but above all the complexity of measuring carbon emissions performance and building a reliable reduction, which hinders the productivity of operational teams.  

While the need for reliable measurements of CO2 emissions is becoming urgent, it represents the main challenge for supply chain managers. Indeed, it is still complex to collect sufficiently, granular and high quality data to consistently monitor carbon emission trends. 
In addition, as carriers use different methodologies to calculate their carbon emissions, comparing their performance can be extremely time-consuming and complex as their data is still sparse and futile for a solid carbon report. 

Thus, the first step towards a solid strategy to reduce the CO2 emissions of its supply chain lies in accurate, granular data measurement and simplified analysis. How can we reach this emission transparency ? 

Date : Thursday, April 13

Time : 10am (EST) - 4pm (CET) 


What you will learn in this webinar : 

- How to make your transport CO2 measurements more reliable and easier to understand.
- How to create a consistent framework for comparing the performance of transport operators, regardless of the methodology they use to calculate emissions
- How to monitor the completeness of your CO2 emissions data in your transport strategies